The House of Sciences is an online project to disseminate scientific developments and the latest medical advances. It embraces an interdisciplinary approach and collaborates with the most prestigious international medical institutions.

The House of Sciences was created because Fondazione Menarini believes in the excellence of science and the potential of scientific progress.
It aims to establish a virtual community where doctors, healthcare professionals, students and others with an interest in science can be informed and kept up to date.
The House of sciences offers the opportunity to interact with leading personalities, including Nobel Prize laureates and Key Opinion Leaders in the medical and scientific fields.
The Fondazione Menarini was established in 1976 as a non-profit organization to disseminate knowledge in the scientific field.
Over the years, the The Fondazione has promoted initiatives of various types, but with the same objective: to share knowledge and experience and to anticipate the latest progress in science.
Together we generate innovation!